6 Playful Outdoor Events for Kids of all Ages

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Getting together with friends and family is a great way to spend a leisurely afternoon, especially when the weather is warm enough to be outdoors. If you have children, and you want to turn your get-together from a simple gathering into a party that everyone loves, you need some events that let kids have a great time, while adults have their own fun. With these easy event ideas, you can be sure that the children in your group have just as much fun as the adults.


Toss Bags during a Cornhole Match


Popular for tailgating and barbecues, cornhole is a great game for any type of party. It’s easy to set up, too. All you need is two sets of wooden cornhole boards and a couple of bean bags. Cornhole requires a combination of luck and skill to toss the bean bags through the hole in the board. The boards can be placed at a close distance from the thrower to make the game easier for kids.


Compete in a Friendly Race

If your children have a competitive streak, consider holding a race. There are several ways you can spice up a regular foot race to make it more fun and entertaining. For example, a three-legged race
where two competitors are tied together at the leg, side by side is an easy alternative that can be a lot of fun. Or, you can get your hands on some burlap sacks and have a traditional sack race. Cheer for the kids as they race to add excitement to the event!


Have a Ball with These Games

When it comes games that use balls, you needn’t stick to the classics to have a good time.

Spikeball — a cross between foursquare and volleyball — is one option to try. To play, all you need is a palm-sized ball and a net to smack the ball toward. When the ball bounces off of the net, your opponent has to control the ball and bounce it back to you. Each time a player misses the ball after it bounces back, the other player scores a point.

Another classic outdoor ball game is bocce. What’s great about bocce is it can be played on a variety of terrains, including grass and sand. To play, you need a set of about eight bocce balls (although almost any type of balls would work), and two goals — one for each team. The teams kick, throw, or bounce their balls toward their respective goals. The team that end up with the most balls closest to the goal wins the match.


Bring out the Horseshoes and Washers

Horseshoe tossing has been a staple of outdoor gatherings for years. But these days, there are rubber horseshoe sets that are safer than classic metal horseshoes. Just stick a couple of stakes into the ground to toss the horseshoes at, and you’re ready to go.

In addition to throwing horseshoes, washer toss is a fun, kid-friendly event that you can add to your next party. Like horseshoes or cornhole, the game is a fun way to test luck and skill. The goal of the game is to toss washers into a small, circular space. Because space is typically enclosed in a wooden box, it makes it easier to keep track of washers when playing the game in the grass. Various washer games are available to buy, or you can create a custom version!


Keep the Giant Tower from Falling

Remember the fun of the classic board game Jenga? Now, you can have that same fun on a larger scale with a Giant Tumble Tower! This five-foot-tall version of the popular game comes with 56 hardwood blocks and follows the same style of play as the smaller version. It’s a great outdoor activity and makes a perfect party game for kids. Help your child build the tallest tower to win!


Crown a Limbo King

No list of party games and events is complete without an all-time classic: Limbo. Almost everyone has heard the question: “How low can you go?” So, why not give your kids the chance to try the timeless game at your next event, and introduce them to an event they might love for life?

To play, set a long pole — or even a broom — horizontally between two stakes that hold it aloft, and you’re ready to go! Add some Hawaiian music and festive décor, and you have a great way to keep kids entertained at luau themed gatherings, pool parties, or just a fun day in the backyard.

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